
The mechanochemical origins of the microtubule sliding motility within the kinesin-5 domain organization
S. Nithianantham, M. K. Iwanski, I. Gaska, H. Pandey, T. Bodrug, S. Inagaki, J. Major, G. J. Brouhard, L. Gheber, S. S. Rosenfeld, S. Forth, A. G. Hendricks, J. Al-Bassam
Molecular Biology of the Cell DOI: (2023) 
bioRxiv DOI:

Directly measuring forces within reconstituted active microtubule bundles 
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Two modes of PRC1-mediated mechanical resistance to kinesin-driven microtubule network disruption PubMed
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The Mitotic Crosslinking Protein PRC1 Acts Like a Mechanical Dashpot to Resist Microtubule Sliding PubMed PDF
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Substrate–Enzyme Interactions in Intramembrane Proteolysis: γ-Secretase as the Prototype 
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The kinesin-5 tail domain directly modulates the mechanochemical cycle of the motor domain for anti-parallel microtubule sliding 
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The mechanics of microtubule networks in cell division PubMed PDF
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Asymmetric Friction of Nonmotor MAPs Can Lead to Their Directional Motion in Active Microtubule Networks PubMed PDF
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